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In Your 40s & 50s

In this age category, we start to see the wear and tear on our bodies and spine appearing. Conditions we tend to treat in this category: arthritic pain, headaches, repetitive strain disorders (shoulder, elbow, wrist as well as chronic and acute injuries to hip, knee, ankle and foot), stress management, headaches, motor vehicle and work-related injuries, postural imbalances.


This age group represents the greatest consumers of chiropractic care. It is often during this period in our lives that wear and tear syndromes start to develop and with them symptoms associated with back, neck and joint pain. Most of the injuries seen in a chiropractic office among younger adults (20-40) are usually classified as acute, being accident or situational in nature.


By far the majority of ailments seen by a Doctor of Chiropractic in the age group 40-60 years are at least in part chronic and developmental. Usually during this period of time, cumulative wear and tear associated with work, sports or the unfortunate luck of postural or structural injury start to accelerate the process of aging. Degenerative syndromes start to manifest in the weight bearing joints and with it stiffness, restriction and pain. Left untreated, many of these ailments continue to deteriorate resulting in greater discomfort and eventual functional restriction and or disability. This we believe is the time in our lives where chiropractic care should be part of everyone’s health care team. More often than not, conditions caught and effectively treated during this period of our lives can be completely resolved and no other health professional is better equipped to assess and recommend care for mechanical injuries than your Doctor of Chiropractic.


Chiropractic care can be can be exceptionally effective for the following conditions:


  • Acute back and neck strain

  • Sciatica

  • Headache and migraine

  • Rotator cuff strain

  • Arm pain and numbness (pinched nerve)

  • Tennis/golfer’s elbow

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Chronic hip strain and Ilio-tibial band strain

  • Degenerative strains of the knee, ankle or foot

  • Plantar fascitis

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Vertigo

  • Chronic unresolved sprains and strains

  • Postural alterations (stooped posture)

  • Repetitive strain injuries

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Modern chiropractic procedures take into consideration the nature and uniqueness of each patient’s health profile and treatment needs. Through the use of 21st century gentle adjusting techniques such as the “Pro-adjuster”, physical therapies, stretch and strength exercise programs, pain, restriction and stiffness can be reduced and often resolved. Ultimately, as joint and related tissue stresses are improved, flexibility and mobility are improved and degeneration is slowed or stopped.


Perhaps the most damning phrase of middle age is: “YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT”. Remember that as in every other aspect of your life, you are responsible for you. If you do not like or accept what you hear from a health care professional, you owe it to yourself to seek out other alternatives as there is often more than one care option for consideration.


Start today, check out the how we can help you and the services we offer.

412 Talbot Street. Thomas, ON N5P 1B9

Tel: 519-633-1444

Proudly created & maintained by: No Worries Creative Studio


Mondays       8 am to 6:30 pm
Tuesday         7am to 6pm
Wednesday  8am to 6:30 pm
Thursday       7am to 6PM
Friday             7am to 6 pm
Saturday        7:30 to 11 am

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